Well, it seems like ThoseGuyss are getting more and more technologically savy. Our very own blog creator, and the original that guy, has picked up a new camera that is amazing. It is the Canon Rebel t1i. It has a 15mp sensor, hd video, and a plethora of other features that I’m sure you don’t want me boring you with. What I’m most excited about, is the fact that it is fully compatible with all eos lenses with which the 3 of ThoseGuyss have quite a few of.

On top of that, your boy, TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsJoeTokyo, just picked up a new addition as well. Lately I’ve been feeling that my creativity as an artist was being stifled by the mundaneness of every day life, and that I needed a release of some sort to help me cope with the stresses that I am faced with on a daily basis. As I came to this realization, I knew that I wanted to start writing again, and give myself a feeling of adventure and a reason to appreciate everything in my life, big or small. To help aid in my quest for cathartic release, I purchased a, “netbook”. Now you’re probably asking, just like I did, “what is a netbook?” The short and long of it is, a netbook is a small notebook computer. How small you ask? Well its pretty darned tiny. The screen tops out at 8.9 inches and is probably just a little bit bigger than a couple of paperback novels lined up back to back.

It is the Asus Eee pc 900ha. It’s actually really neat, and a steal at just under $300 with a 2gig memory upgrade. If you’re really interested in it, check it out on amazon, as their price, and reviews were pretty much the deciding factor for me to make this purchase. In truth, I am actually blogging right now with my new computer. Sure the keyboard is tiny, and I find myself fat-fingering here and there when I type at an accelerated pace, but I’m sure with a little more keystrokes under my belt, I’ll find myself writing novels and screenplays at your local coffee house with no delay.
So besides being a neat little netbook, a neatbook if you will, one of the coolest features that really appealed to me, was the fact that it comes with a built in SD card reader. If you were not aware, my little d5000 point and shoot camera, aka the canon sd790is, uses an SD card, which means if I find something interesting in my outdoor adventures, I can snap a shot quickly and blog about it within a moments notice. Another appealing feature, is that this computer can run both Lightroom and Photoshop, my 6 year old laptop runs photoshop, but throws a hissy fit if I even look at the lightroom website.
Alas, Nick is borrowing my sd card, since his new camera uses sd cards, so I have no fun pictures of my birthday adventures or exciting little toys, but I will attach this picture i just took with the handy little built in webcam.

My thoughts at this time are a little unorganized and jumbled, we had a fantastic night of karaoke and beer, and its 3am, I must be lonely…
5 points to whoever caught the reference.
So I bid you adieu and goodnight, and don’t forget
Keep it Steezy!